090-9242-5529Years working
We specialize in a wide range of products, including furniture, electronics, and home decor items. Our mission is to provide affordable and sustainable shopping options while reducing waste.
"Secondhand Treasures, First Value."
"Sustainable Style, Affordable Prices."
"Discover the Joy of Pre-Loved."
090-9242-5529Success Rate
Satisfied Clients
Offer customers the ability to sell their unwanted items directly to your company. This not only provides a convenient way for customers to declutter their homes but also helps you source new inventory.
Allow customers to consign their items to your store, meaning you sell them on their behalf and take a commission. This is a great option for individuals who want to earn extra money .
Offer a delivery and setup service for larger items like furniture and electronics. This can provide added convenience for customers and help increase sales.
Insurance Policies
Happy Clients
Award Winning
Skilled Contractors
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Product Manager
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Fair price for your purchase.
No hidden charges or selling costs.
Fastest Delivery to most locations in India.
Room 203, Yatabe Shoji Building 2nd floor, 2-39 Honjocho, Shimotsuma City, Ibaraki
Room 203, Yatabe Shoji Building 2nd floor, 2-39 Honjocho, Shimotsuma City, Ibaraki
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